Graphic Design

Tips for Finding Design Inspiration

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Tips for Finding Design Inspiration

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When you are working on creating a visual design for any type of product, you may find that you are struggling with your creativity. Many people find themselves in a creative rut from time to time. It can often take some time to get started in the direction you want to go. If you are feeling that way, you aren’t the only one. Every creative person has found themselves stuck at some point during the creative process. There are many ways to help remove the blockers and get the creativity flowing again. This article gives you some good tips for finding inspiration when creating a design.

Keep an Inspiration Journal

One of the top ways to encourage inspiration is to keep a journal. This is a great way to keep track of your ideas and inspiration whenever it comes to you. In addition, you should keep track of patterns, textures, colors, and quotes.

The best way to keep a journal is to select one you like and will enjoy using. It could be a digital notebook or a physical one. You want to organize the inspiration you have. You can break your journal into sections based on topics or categories. You can also use labels or tags to break up your journal into sections.

Once you do this, you can collect inspiration from various sources. These sources include magazines, books, social media, and even the items that surround you. You can take pictures or screenshots of things that inspire you. You should add these items to your journal. If you find quotes, notes, or sayings that inspire you, you should write them down.

Occasionally, you should go back through and review the information you have collected in your journal. As you reflect on the items in your journal, you can decide if you can incorporate them into your work. Make it a habit to add new images, thoughts, and ideas to your journal.

Use a Design Application

There are a number of reasons why you may want to consider using a design app to find design inspiration. While a design application may be particularly helpful when creating a design, you can use it for anything creative. And while it may seem frustrating to start with a blank document, it gives you space to brainstorm ideas.

Typically, tools within a design app include drawing tools or text boxes that give you a space to type out whatever comes to mind, even if it doesn’t seem useful. As a result, you can generate a large number of ideas quickly. 

A design app is also a perfect way to create a mood board. You can gather images, colors, and font types that inspire you. It is simple to incorporate other tools like Pinterest to gather images and bring them into your design application to create a collage. Mood boards are helpful in identifying common themes and visual elements that you can use in your design.

Once you have some basic concepts or ideas, it is easy to experiment with different variations. You can copy your document and begin changing colors, font, or layout on the copy. This is a great way to iterate on your ideas because you have the freedom to refine your ideas and push them in new directions without losing your original ideas.

Design applications give you the ability to sketch rough ideas. When you are able to sketch, it can help generate more ideas. Even if you are doodling, something great can come out of rough doodles. Depending on the application, you can use a stylus and draw, which can help pull out more creative ideas.

Logo Maker

Apps to create logos use pre-designed elements and infographic design templates to help you customize and make changes to your logo design. This allows you to create a logo that is tailored to your brand and can save you a good amount of time and money. They are intended to be intuitive and easy to use. This is an ideal option for small businesses that are just starting and need an affordable way to design a logo. However, experimenting with a logo maker can also be used to get ideas for other creative designs.

A logo maker usually provides a variety of design styles from which you can choose. These styles include minimal, vintage, modern, or playful. It makes it simple to choose a style aligning your brand with your target audience. You will also find a large selection of symbols and icons, allowing you to experiment with different options. When you can look at them in this way, you can consider how they relate to your brand and audience.

Logo maker applications provide templates in a library that helps you find the perfect design to match the style and messaging of your brand. From here, you can customize your design by modifying the shape, font, and colors. In addition, the app allows you to add other graphics and icons. Remember to keep the designs you like and take notes of the ideas you got from the process.


Collaborating with other designers could be an ideal way to get new ideas and inspiration. When you have collaboration, it allows you to bounce ideas off each other. Then you are able to work together to come up with creative solutions to design problems.

Some ways you can collaborate include joining a design community on social media or other online forums to connect with others to share your work. This gives you the opportunity to get feedback and advice on your designs. In addition, you can attend design events, workshops, or conferences which can be a great way to collaborate with other designers. This allows you to network with other professionals in your industry.

Another way to get your creative juices flowing is to enter design challenges or competitions. This allows you to challenge yourself to create a design based on a specific theme or prompt and see how other designers approach the same challenge.

Take a Break

While it may seem counterintuitive to take a break when you need to work, sometimes it may be just what you need. To take a break, you can take a walk, read a book, or attempt a new hobby. You want to do something that is in no way related to design.

When you are struggling to design, you may have mental fatigue. When you’re in this place, it is difficult to generate new ideas. When you take a break, you allow your mind to rest and refire your creativity. When you take a break from work, it can give you a new perspective and allow you to see things from a new angle. When you allow yourself to take a break, it can give you renewed focus and energy and focus. This can allow you to be more efficient and effective.

If you continue to push yourself, it can lead to stress and eventual burnout. However, taking a break can help you reduce stress and prevent burnout. Taking a break also allows you to maintain a healthy work-life balance.


When you feel like you have a creative block, it can be a frustrating process. It can be easy to give in to frustration, which will block your creativity even more. However, it’s essential to remember that you can get inspiration from anywhere. If you remain open-minded, are willing to experiment, and continue to have fun, you may be able to avoid too much of a block. You should look everywhere, including in nature, art, and just about everywhere you look.

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